Última modificación: 2023-05-14
Motivation is known as the aspiration to achieve something that you highly desire. In the study of a second language motivation takes an important role because students can feel freely, confidence and inspirited to speak and study the language. However, language games can also inspire students to study languages and offer the students the benefit of learning a language while they are enjoying. On the other hand, environment related games are also quite benefit to develop an environmental knowledge and environmental values in the students. In that sense, the main objective of this article is to enhancing motivation to language learning through environment related games in English lessons that supporting student’s interest and a good attitude to learn a new language. For the conformation of this research, several scientific methods were applied from different levels. The sample proposal fosters the motivation to the study of a new language through linguistic games related to environment. It allows students to continue learning a new language while they acquired environmental values. Especially, when taking care the environment is quite important nowadays
Palabras claves
Motivation, language, game, environment, inspiration.